
Puppet controls are Puppet defined types that ensure a certain security control is implemented. Puppet changes the system in order to make the system compliant.

Description of the control

The max_connections parameter indicates the maximum number of client connections allowed per database partition. It is recommended that this parameter be set equal to the max_coordagents parameter. The max_coordagents parameter equals the maximum number of agents needed to perform connections to the database or attachments to the instance. NOTE: Ensure that dependent parameters, such as maxappls, are set less than the max_coordagents parameter. This would ensure that the lock limit isn’t reached, which would result in lock escalation issues.


By default, DB2 allows an unlimited number of users to access the DB2 instance. In addition to giving access to the DB2 instance to authorized users only, it is recommended to set a limit to the number of users allowed to access a DB2 instance. This helps prevent denial of service conditions should an authorized process malfunction and attempt a large number of simultaneous connections.


To deliberately skip this control (e.g. meaning don’t use Puppet to enforce this setting), we provide you with two ways:

1) Add db2_secured::controls::set_maximum_connection_limits: skip to your hiera data. This will skip this control for ALL systems.
3) Add an entry with the content set_maximum_connection_limits to the array value db2_secured::skip_list in your hiera data.


This control is used in the following benchmarks:


Attribute Name Short Description
title The database identifier to apply the control to.


The database identifier to apply the control to.

All controls need an database identifier to apply the control to. Here is a simple example:

db2_secured::controls::control_name { 'db2inst1/MYDB':}

In this example, the string dbinst1 is the instance, the string MYDB is the database to apply the control to.

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