
This resource allows you to manage a DB2 tablespace. Here is an example on how to use this:

db2_tablespace { 'db2inst1/MYDB/USERSPACE1':
  ensure                => 'present',

TODO: Extend the example


Attribute Name Short Description
bufferpoolid Identifier for the buffer pool that is used by this table space (1 indicates the default buffer pool).
cachingtier Reserved for future use.
create_time Time at which the table space was created.
database_name The name of the database.
datatag A tag to identify data stored in this table space.
datatype Type of data that can be stored in this table space.
dbpgname Name of the database partition group that is associated with this table space.
definer Authorization ID of the owner of the table space.
disable_corrective_change Disable the modification of a resource when Puppet decides it is a corrective change.
disable_corrective_ensure Disable the creation or removal of a resource when Puppet decides is a corrective change.
drop_recovery Indicates whether or not tables in this table space can be recovered after a drop table operation.
effectiveprefetchsize Value of the effective prefetch size when PREFETCHSIZE is set to -1 (AUTOMATIC); otherwise same as PREFETCHSIZE.
ensure The basic property that the resource should be in.
extentsize Detailed documentation not (yet) available.
instance_name The name of the instance.
name The name of the tablespace.
ngname Name of the database partition group that is associated with this table space.
overhead Controller overhead and disk seek and latency time, in milliseconds.
owner Authorization ID of the owner of the table space.
ownertype The tye of owner.
prefetchsize Number of pages of size PAGESIZE to be read when prefetching is performed; -1 when AUTOMATIC.
provider resource.
remarks The comment on the object you are defining.
sgid Identifier of the storage group the table space is using; -1 when the table space is not using automatic storage.
sgname Name of the storage group the table space is using; null value when the table space is not using automatic storage.
tablespace_name The name of the tablespace.
tbspaceid Identifier for the table space.
tbspacetype Type of table space.
transferrate Time to read one page of size PAGESIZE into the buffer.
writeoverhead Reserved for future use.
writetransferrate Reserved for future use.


Identifier for the buffer pool that is used by this table space (1 indicates the default buffer pool).

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Reserved for future use.

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Time at which the table space was created.

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The name of the database.

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A tag to identify data stored in this table space. Valid user-specified range is 1 through 9; 0 indicates no data tag specified; -1 indicates value is inherited from the storage group that the table space uses.

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Type of data that can be stored in this table space.

  • A = All types of permanent data; regular table space
  • L = All types of permanent data; large table space
  • T = System temporary tables only
  • U = Created temporary tables or declared temporary tables only

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Name of the database partition group that is associated with this table space.

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Authorization ID of the owner of the table space.

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Disable the modification of a resource when Puppet decides it is a corrective change.

(requires easy_type V2.11.0 or higher)

When using a Puppet Server, Puppet knows about adaptive and corrective changes. A corrective change is when Puppet notices that the resource has changed, but the catalog has not changed. This can occur for example, when a user, by accident or willingly, changed something on the system that Puppet is managing. The normal Puppet process then repairs this and puts the resource back in the state as defined in the catalog. This process is precisely what you want most of the time, but not always. This can sometimes also occur when a hardware or network error occurs. Then Puppet cannot correctly determine the current state of the system and thinks the resource is changed, while in fact, it is not. Letting Puppet recreate remove or change the resource in these cases, is NOT wat you want.

Using the disable_corrective_change parameter, you can disable corrective changes on the current resource.

Here is an example of this:

crucial_resource {'be_carefull':
  disable_corrective_change => true,

When a corrective ensure does happen on the resource Puppet will not modify the resource and signal an error:

    Error: Corrective change present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_change
    Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Crucial_resource[be_carefull]/parameter: change from '10' to '20' failed: Corrective change present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_change. (corrective)

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Disable the creation or removal of a resource when Puppet decides is a corrective change.

(requires easy_type V2.11.0 or higher)

When using a Puppet Server, Puppet knows about adaptive and corrective changes. A corrective change is when Puppet notices that the resource has changed, but the catalog has not changed. This can occur for example, when a user, by accident or willingly, changed something on the system that Puppet is managing. The normal Puppet process then repairs this and puts the resource back in the state as defined in the catalog. This process is precisely what you want most of the time, but not always. This can sometimes also occur when a hardware or network error occurs. Then Puppet cannot correctly determine the current state of the system and thinks the resource is changed, while in fact, it is not. Letting Puppet recreate remove or change the resource in these cases, is NOT wat you want.

Using the disable_corrective_ensure parameter, you can disable corrective ensure present or ensure absent actions on the current resource.

Here is an example of this:

crucial_resource {'be_carefull':
  ensure                    => 'present',
  disable_corrective_ensure => true,

When a corrective ensure does happen on the resource Puppet will not create or remove the resource and signal an error:

    Error: Corrective ensure present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_ensure.
    Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Crucial_resource[be_carefull]/ensure: change from 'absent' to 'present' failed: Corrective ensure present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_ensure. (corrective)

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Indicates whether or not tables in this table space can be recovered after a drop table operation.

  • N = Tables are not recoverable
  • Y = Tables are recoverable

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Value of the effective prefetch size when PREFETCHSIZE is set to -1 (AUTOMATIC); otherwise same as PREFETCHSIZE.

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The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

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Detailed documentation not (yet) available.

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The name of the instance.

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The name of the tablespace.

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Name of the database partition group that is associated with this table space.

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Controller overhead and disk seek and latency time, in milliseconds. (average for the containers in this table space); -1 when value is inherited from the storage group that the table space uses

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Authorization ID of the owner of the table space.

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The tye of owner.

  • S = The owner is the system
  • U = The owner is an individual user

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Number of pages of size PAGESIZE to be read when prefetching is performed; -1 when AUTOMATIC.

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The specific backend to use for this db2_tablespace resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

Manage an Db2 tablespace

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The comment on the object you are defining.

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Identifier of the storage group the table space is using; -1 when the table space is not using automatic storage.

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Name of the storage group the table space is using; null value when the table space is not using automatic storage.

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The name of the tablespace.

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Identifier for the table space.

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Type of table space.

  • D = Database-managed space
  • S = System-managed space

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Time to read one page of size PAGESIZE into the buffer. (average for the containers in this table space); -1 when value is inherited from the storage group that the table space uses.

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Reserved for future use.

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Reserved for future use.

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