
This is a highly customizable Puppet profile class to install the WebLogic software and its requirements on your system. At its core, just adding:

contain wls_profile::weblogic

is enough to get the WebLogic software installed on your system.

But sometimes, you have specific uses cases that are not handled well by the standard classes. This profile class allows you to add your own code to the execution.


Defining and starting a WebLogic Admin Server on your system goes through several stages(These are not puppet stages):

All these stages have a default implementation. This implementation is suitable to get started with. These classed all have parameters you can customize through hiera values. The defaults are specified in the module’s data/default.yaml file.

before classes

But sometimes this is not enough, and you would like to add some extra definitions, you can, for example, add a Puppet class to be executed after the packages stage is done and before the groups_and_users is done. You can do this by adding the following line to your yaml data:

wls_profile::weblogic::groups_and_users:   my_profile::my_extra_class

after classes

You can do the same when you want to add code after one of the stage classes:

wls_profile::weblogic::firewall:   my_profile::my_extra_class


Sometimes organizations use different modules and mechanisms to implement a feature, and you want to skip the class:

wls_profile::weblogic::java_software:   skip


Or provide your own implementation:

wls_profile::weblogic::wls_datasources:   my_profile::my_own_implementation

This mechanism can be used for all named stages and makes it easy to move from an easy setup with a running standard WebLogic software installation to a fully customized setup using a lot of your own classes plugged in.

Look at the description of the stages and their properties.


Attribute Name Short Description
after_firewall The name of the class you want to execute directly after the firewall class.
after_groups_and_users The name of the class you want to execute directly after the groups_and_usesr class.
after_java_software The name of the class you want to execute directly after the java_software class.
after_limits The name of the class you want to execute directly after the limits class.
after_packages The name of the class you want to execute directly after the packages class.
after_ssh_setup The name of the class you want to execute directly after the ssh_setup class.
after_sysctl The name of the class you want to execute directly after the sysctl class.
after_wls_patches The name of the class you want to execute directly after the wls_patches class.
after_wls_software The name of the class you want to execute directly after the wls_software class.
before_firewall The name of the class you want to execute directly before the firewall class.
before_groups_and_users The name of the class you want to execute directly before the groups_and_users class.
before_java_software The name of the class you want to execute directly before the java_software class.
before_limits The name of the class you want to execute directly before the limits class.
before_packages The name of the class you want to execute directly before the packages class.
before_ssh_setup The name of the class you want to execute directly before the ssh_setup class.
before_sysctl The name of the class you want to execute directly before the sysctl class.
before_wls_patches The name of the class you want to execute directly before the wls_patches class.
before_wls_software The name of the class you want to execute directly before the wls_software class.
firewall Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage firewall.
groups_and_users Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage groups_and_users.
java_software Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage java_software.
limits Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage limits.
packages Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage packages.
ssh_setup Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage ssh_setup.
sysctl Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage sysctl.
wls_patches Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage wls_patches.
wls_software Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage wls_software.


Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage sysctl.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::sysctl:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::sysctl:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage limits.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::limits:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::limits:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage packages.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::packages:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::packages:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage groups_and_users.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::groups_and_users:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::groups_and_users:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage ssh_setup.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::ssh_setup:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::ssh_setup:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage firewall.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::firewall:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::firewall:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage java_software.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::java_software:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::java_software:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage wls_software.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::wls_software:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::wls_software:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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Use this value if you want to skip or use your own class for stage wls_patches.

Use your own class

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::wls_patches:  my_module::my_class


You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::wls_patches:  skip

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the sysctl class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_sysctl:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the limits class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_limits:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the packages class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_packages:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the groups_and_users class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_groups_and_users:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the ssh_setup class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_ssh_setup:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the firewall class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_firewall:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the java_software class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_java_software:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the wls_software class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_wls_software:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly before the wls_patches class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::before_wls_patches:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the sysctl class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_sysctl:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the limits class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_limits:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the packages class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_packages:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the groups_and_usesr class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_groups_and_usesr:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the ssh_setup class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_ssh_setup:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the firewall class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_firewall:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the java_software class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_java_software:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the wls_software class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_wls_software:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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The name of the class you want to execute directly after the wls_patches class.

You can use hiera to set this value. Here is an example:

wls_profile::weblogic::after_wls_patches:  my_module::my_class

Type: Optional[String]


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