
This resource allows you to manage a jmsserver in an WebLogic domain.

Here is an example on how you should use this:

wls_jmsserver { 'jmsServer1':
  ensure                      => 'present',
  persistentstore             => 'jmsFile1',
  persistentstoretype         => 'FileStore',
  target                      => ['wlsServer1'],
  targettype                  => ['Server'],
  allows_persistent_downgrade => '0',
  bytes_maximum               => '-1',

In this example you are managing a JMS server in the default domain. When you want to manage a JMS server in a specific domain, you can use:

wls_jmsserver { 'my_domain/jmsServer2':
  ensure     => 'present',
  target     => ['wlsServer2'],
  targettype => ['Server'],


Attribute Name Short Description
allows_persistent_downgrade Specifies whether JMS clients will get an exception when sending persistent messages to a destination targeted to a JMS server that does not have a persistent store configured.
blocking_send_policy Determines whether the JMS server delivers smaller messages before larger ones when a destination has exceeded its maximum number of messages.
bytes_maximum The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in this JMS server.
bytes_paging_enabled This parameter has been deprecated.
bytes_threshold_high The upper threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events.
bytes_threshold_low The lower threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events.
consumption_paused_at_startup Indicates whether consumption is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server at startup.
deployment_order A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item.
disable_autorequire Puppet supports automatic ordering of resources by autorequire.
disable_corrective_change Disable the modification of a resource when Puppet decides it is a corrective change.
disable_corrective_ensure Disable the creation or removal of a resource when Puppet decides is a corrective change.
domain With this parameter, you identify the domain, where your objects is in.
ensure The basic property that the resource should be in.
expiration_scan_interval The number of seconds between this JMS server’s cycles of scanning local destinations for expired messages.
hosting_temporary_destinations Specifies whether this JMS server can be used to host temporary destinations.
insertion_paused_at_startup Indicates whether insertion is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server.
jmsserver_name The jmsserver_name name
log_buffer_size_kb Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilobytes
log_date_format_pattern The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log.
log_file_count The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log.
log_file_min_size The size (1 - 2097150 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file.
log_file_name The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages.
log_file_rotation_dir The directory where the rotated log files will be stored.
log_file_time_span The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file.
log_notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.
log_number_of_files_limited Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages.
log_rotate_log_on_startup Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle.
log_rotation_time Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence.
log_rotation_type Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file.
log_tags Return all tags on this Configuration MBean
maximum_message_size The maximum number of bytes allowed in individual messages on this JMS server.
message_buffer_size The amount of memory (in bytes) that this JMS server can use to store message bodies before it writes them to disk.
message_compression_options Specifies the type of message compression used when JMS message body compression is enabled for Persistent Stores and JMS Paging Stores.
messages_maximum The maximum number of messages that can be stored in this JMS server.
messages_paging_enabled This parameter has been deprecated.
messages_threshold_high The upper threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events.
messages_threshold_low The lower threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events.
name The name.
notes Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.
paging_block_size The smallest addressable block, in bytes, of a file.
paging_directory Specifies where message bodies are written when the size of the message bodies in the JMS server exceeds the message buffer size.
paging_file_locking_enabled Determines whether OS file locking is used.
paging_io_buffer_size The I/O buffer size, in bytes, automatically rounded down to the nearest power of 2.
paging_max_file_size The paging maximum file size, in bytes.
paging_max_window_buffer_size The maximum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM’s address space per paging store file.
paging_message_compression_enabled Enables the JMS paging store to perform message body compression on persistent and non-persistent messages.
paging_min_window_buffer_size The minimum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM’s address space per paging store file.
persistent_store The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages.
persistentstore The persistentstore name.
persistentstoretype The persistentstore type
production_paused_at_startup Specifies whether production is paused at server startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server.
provider resource.
store_enabled Specifies whether message persistence is supported for this JMS server.
store_message_compression_enabled Enables the JMS store to perform message body compression.
tags Return all tags on this Configuration MBean
target An array of target names.
targettype An array of target types.
temporary_template_name The name of a configured JMS template that this JMS server uses to create temporary destinations.
temporary_template_resource The name of a JMS module that contains a template that this JMS server can use to create temporary destinations.
timeout Timeout for applying a resource.


Specifies whether JMS clients will get an exception when sending persistent messages to a destination targeted to a JMS server that does not have a persistent store configured. This parameter only has effect when the Store Enabled parameter is disabled (false). When set to false, the default, clients will get an exception when sending persistent messages to a JMS server with no store configured. When set to true, then persistent messages are downgraded to non-persistent; however, the send operations are allowed to continue.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   allows_persistent_downgrade => 1,

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Determines whether the JMS server delivers smaller messages before larger ones when a destination has exceeded its maximum number of messages. FIFO prevents the JMS server from delivering smaller messages when larger ones are already waiting for space. Preemptive allows smaller send requests to preempt previous larger ones when there is sufficient space for smaller messages on the destination. This policy is defined only for the JMS server; it cannot be set on individual destinations. Additional information on the FIFO and Preemptive policies is provided below. FIFO (first in, first out) indicates that all send requests for the same destination are queued up one behind the other until space is available. No send request is permitted to successfully complete if there is another send request waiting for space before it. When space is limited, the FIFO policy prevents the starvation of larger requests because smaller requests cannot continuously use the remaining available space. Smaller requests are delayed, though not starved, until the larger request can be completed. When space does become available, requests are considered in the order in which they were made. If there is sufficient space for a given request, then that request is completed and the next request is considered. If there is insufficient space for a given request, then no further requests are considered until sufficient space becomes available for the current request to complete. Preemptive indicates that a send operation can preempt other blocking send operations if space is available. That is, if there is sufficient space for the current request, then that space is used even if there are other requests waiting for space. When space is limited, the Preemptive policy can result in the starvation of larger requests. For example, if there is insufficient available space for a large request, then it is queued up behind other existing requests. When space does become available, all requests are considered in the order in which they were originally made. If there is sufficient space for a given request, then that request is allowed to continue and the next request is considered. If there is insufficient space for a given request, then that request is skipped and the next request is considered.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   blocking_send_policy => 'FIFO'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:blocking_send_policy']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The maximum number of bytes that can be stored in this JMS server. A value of -1 removes any WebLogic Server limits. Because excessive bytes volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that this maximum corresponds to the total amount of system memory available after accounting for the rest of your application load. Range of Values: >= BytesThresholdHigh

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   bytes_maximum => '-1'

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


This parameter has been deprecated. Paging is always enabled. The “MessageBufferSize” parameter controls how much memory is used before paging kicks in.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   bytes_paging_enabled => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:bytes_paging_enabled']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The upper threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server. The triggered events are: <ul> <li> Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition. </li> <li> Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow. </li> </ul> Range of Values: <= BytesMaximum; >= BytesThresholdLow

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   bytes_threshold_high => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:bytes_threshold_high']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The lower threshold (number of bytes stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server. If the number of bytes falls below this threshold, the triggered events are: <ul> <li> Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared. </li> <li> Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow. </li> </ul> Range of Values: <= BytesThresholdHigh

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   bytes_threshold_low => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:bytes_threshold_low']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Indicates whether consumption is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server at startup. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused. When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is booted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a “consumption paused” state, which prevents any message consuming activity on those destinations. To allow normal message consumption on the destinations, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to a “consumption enabled” state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance. When the value is set to default, then the Consumption Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   consumption_paused_at_startup => 'default'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:consumption_paused_at_startup']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type. For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes. Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   deployment_order => '1000'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:deployment_order']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Puppet supports automatic ordering of resources by autorequire. Sometimes, however, this causes issues. Setting this parameter to true, disables autorequiring for this specific resource.


Here is an example on hopw to use this:

  disableautorequire => true,

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Disable the modification of a resource when Puppet decides it is a corrective change.

(requires easy_type V2.11.0 or higher)

When using a Puppet Server, Puppet knows about adaptive and corrective changes. A corrective change is when Puppet notices that the resource has changed, but the catalog has not changed. This can occur for example, when a user, by accident or willingly, changed something on the system that Puppet is managing. The normal Puppet process then repairs this and puts the resource back in the state as defined in the catalog. This process is precisely what you want most of the time, but not always. This can sometimes also occur when a hardware or network error occurs. Then Puppet cannot correctly determine the current state of the system and thinks the resource is changed, while in fact, it is not. Letting Puppet recreate remove or change the resource in these cases, is NOT wat you want.

Using the disable_corrective_change parameter, you can disable corrective changes on the current resource.

Here is an example of this:

crucial_resource {'be_carefull':
  disable_corrective_change => true,

When a corrective ensure does happen on the resource Puppet will not modify the resource and signal an error:

    Error: Corrective change present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_change
    Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Crucial_resource[be_carefull]/parameter: change from '10' to '20' failed: Corrective change present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_change. (corrective)

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Disable the creation or removal of a resource when Puppet decides is a corrective change.

(requires easy_type V2.11.0 or higher)

When using a Puppet Server, Puppet knows about adaptive and corrective changes. A corrective change is when Puppet notices that the resource has changed, but the catalog has not changed. This can occur for example, when a user, by accident or willingly, changed something on the system that Puppet is managing. The normal Puppet process then repairs this and puts the resource back in the state as defined in the catalog. This process is precisely what you want most of the time, but not always. This can sometimes also occur when a hardware or network error occurs. Then Puppet cannot correctly determine the current state of the system and thinks the resource is changed, while in fact, it is not. Letting Puppet recreate remove or change the resource in these cases, is NOT wat you want.

Using the disable_corrective_ensure parameter, you can disable corrective ensure present or ensure absent actions on the current resource.

Here is an example of this:

crucial_resource {'be_carefull':
  ensure                    => 'present',
  disable_corrective_ensure => true,

When a corrective ensure does happen on the resource Puppet will not create or remove the resource and signal an error:

    Error: Corrective ensure present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_ensure.
    Error: /Stage[main]/Main/Crucial_resource[be_carefull]/ensure: change from 'absent' to 'present' failed: Corrective ensure present requested by catalog, but disabled by parameter disable_corrective_ensure. (corrective)

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


With this parameter, you identify the domain, where your objects is in.

The domain name is part of the full qualified name of any WebLogic object on a system. Let’s say we want to describe a WebLogic server. The full qualified name is:

  ensure => present,

When you don’t specify a domain name, Puppet will use default as domain name. For every domain you want to manage, you’ll have to put a wls_settings in your manifest.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The basic property that the resource should be in.

Valid values are present, absent.

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The number of seconds between this JMS server’s cycles of scanning local destinations for expired messages. A value of 0 disables active scanning. A very large scan interval effectively disables active scanning. With scanning disabled, users still do not receive expired messages and any expired messages that are discovered by other system activities are removed. However, expired messages sitting in idle destinations (such as an inactive queue or disconnected durable subscriber) are not removed and continue to consume system resources. The scanning cycle for expired messages occurs as follows: <ul> <li> After the specified waiting period, the JMS server devotes a separate thread to scan all of its local destinations for expired messages. </li> <li> After the scanning is completed, all located expired messages are processed according to the specified Expiration Policy on the destination (Discard, Log, or Redirect). </li> <li> The entire process repeats after another specified waiting period. </li> </ul> Note: Because a new scan does not start until the current one is finished and until the specified waiting period ends, an expired message could still remain in the system for the maximum scan waiting period plus the amount of time it takes to perform the scan.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   expiration_scan_interval => '30'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:expiration_scan_interval']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies whether this JMS server can be used to host temporary destinations. If this field is enabled and no Temporary Template Name is defined, then the temporary destinations created on this JMS server will use all default destination values. If this field is enabled, then the JMS template to be used for creating temporary destinations is specified by the Temporary Template Name field. If this field is disabled, then this JMS server will not host temporary destinations.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   hosting_temporary_destinations => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:hosting_temporary_destinations']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Indicates whether insertion is paused at startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused. When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is booted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a “insertion paused” state, which results preventing messages that are result of the “in-flight” work completion to arrive on those destinations. Note: For a detailed definition of “in-flight” work/messages, see weblogic.management.runtime.JMSServerRuntimeMBean#resumeInsertion and weblogic.management.runtime.JMSDestinationRuntime#resumeInsertion To allow in-flight work messages to appear on the destinations, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to an “insertion enabled” state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance. When the value is set to default, then the Insertion Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   insertion_paused_at_startup => 'default'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:insertion_paused_at_startup']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The jmsserver_name name

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Gets the underlying log buffer size in kilobytes

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_buffer_size_kb => '8'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_buffer_size_kb']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The date format pattern used for rendering dates in the log. The DateFormatPattern string conforms to the specification of the java.text.SimpleDateFormat class.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_date_format_pattern => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_date_format_pattern']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The maximum number of log files that the server creates when it rotates the log. This number does not include the file that the server uses to store current messages. (Requires that you enable Number of Files Limited.)

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_file_count => '7'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_file_count']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The size (1 - 2097150 kilobytes) that triggers the server to move log messages to a separate file. The default is 500 kilobytes. After the log file reaches the specified minimum size, the next time the server checks the file size, it will rename the current log file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn and create a new one to store subsequent messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of Size.)

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_file_min_size => '500'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_file_min_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The name of the file that stores current JMS server log messages. Usually it is a computed value based on the name of the parent of this MBean. For example, for a JMS server log, it is jmsserverName.log. However, if the name of the parent cannot be obtained, the file name is weblogic.log. If you specify a relative pathname, it is interpreted as relative to the server’s root directory. To include a time and date stamp in the file name when the log file is rotated, add java.text.SimpleDateFormat variables to the file name. Surround each variable with percentage (%) characters. For example, if the file name is defined to be myjmsserver_%yyyy%_%MM%_%dd%_%hh%_%mm%.log, the log file will be named myserver_yyyy_mm_dd_hh_mm.log. When the log file is rotated, the rotated file name contains the date stamp. For example, if the log file is rotated on 2 April, 2005 at 10:05 AM, the log file that contains the old messages will be named myserver_2005_04_02_10_05.log. If you do not include a time and date stamp, the rotated log files are numbered in order of creation. For example, myjmsserver.log00007.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_file_name => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_file_name']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The directory where the rotated log files will be stored. By default the rotated files are stored in the same directory where the log file is stored.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_file_rotation_dir => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_file_rotation_dir']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The interval (in hours) at which the server saves old log messages to another file. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of TIME.)

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_file_time_span => '24'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_file_time_span']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain’s configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved. <dl> <dt>Note:</dt> <dd> If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds. </dd> </dl>

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_notes => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_notes']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Indicates whether to limit the number of log files that this server instance creates to store old messages. (Requires that you specify a file rotation type of SIZE or TIME.) After the server reaches this limit, it deletes the oldest log file and creates a new log file with the latest suffix. If you do not enable this option, the server creates new files indefinitely and you must clean up these files as you require.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_number_of_files_limited => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_number_of_files_limited']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies whether a server rotates its log file during its startup cycle. The default value in production mode is false.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_rotate_log_on_startup => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_rotate_log_on_startup']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

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Determines the start time (hour and minute) for a time-based rotation sequence. At the time that this value specifies, the server renames the current log file. Thereafter, the server renames the log file at an interval that you specify in File Time Span. Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth. Use the following format: H:mm, where <ul><li>H is Hour in day (0-23). <li>mm is the minute in hour </ul>

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_rotation_time => '00:00'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_rotation_time']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Criteria for moving old log messages to a separate file. <ul> <li>NONE Messages accumulate in a single file. You must erase the contents of the file when the size is too large. Note that WebLogic Server sets a threshold size limit of 500 MB before it forces a hard rotation to prevent excessive log file growth. <li>SIZE When the log file reaches the size that you specify in FileMinSize, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn. <li>TIME At each time interval that you specify in TimeSpan, the server renames the file as SERVER_NAME.lognnnnn. </ul> After the server renames a file, subsequent messages accumulate in a new file with the name that you specified as the log file name.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_rotation_type => 'bySize'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_rotation_type']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   log_tags => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:log_tags']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The maximum number of bytes allowed in individual messages on this JMS server. The size of a message includes the message body, any user-defined properties, and the user-defined JMS header fields JMSCorrelationID and JMSType. The maximum message size is only enforced for the initial production of a message. Messages that are redirected to an error destination or forwarded to a member of a distributed destination are not checked for size. For instance, if a destination and its corresponding error destination are configured with a maximum message size of 128K bytes and 64K bytes, respectively, a message of 96K bytes could be redirected to the error destination (even though it exceeds the 64K byte maximum), but a producer could not directly send the 96K byte message to the error destination. Note: Any change to this maximum affects only incoming messages; stored messages are not affected.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   maximum_message_size => '2147483647'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:maximum_message_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The amount of memory (in bytes) that this JMS server can use to store message bodies before it writes them to disk. When the JMS server writes the message bodies to disk, it clears them from memory. A value of -1 (the default) specifies that the server will automatically determine a size based on the maximum heap size of the JVM. This default will be set to either one-third the maximum heap size, or 512 megabytes, whichever is smaller. The larger the buffer, the more memory JMS will consume when many messages are waiting on queues or topics. Once the buffer is surpassed, JMS may write message bodies to the directory specified by PagingDirectory in an effort to reduce memory usage below this buffer. Surpassing the buffer size does not stop the JMS server from accepting new messages. It is still possible to run out of memory if messages are arriving faster than they can be written to disk. Users with high messaging loads who wish to support the highest possible availability should consider setting a quota or setting a threshold and enabling flow control. Paging is always supported.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   message_buffer_size => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:message_buffer_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies the type of message compression used when JMS message body compression is enabled for Persistent Stores and JMS Paging Stores. <ul> <li>Use GZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with DEFAULT_COMPRESSION level.</li> <li>Use GZIP_BEST_COMPRESSION to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_COMPRESSION level. <li>Use GZIP_BEST_SPEED to enable message compression using the JDK GZIP API with BEST_SPEED level. <li>Use LZF to enable message compression using Open Source LZF. </ul> This attribute should be used only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   message_compression_options => 'GZIP_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:message_compression_options']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The maximum number of messages that can be stored in this JMS server. A value of -1 removes any WebLogic Server limits. Because excessive message volume can cause memory saturation, Oracle recommends that this value corresponds to the total amount of system memory available after accounting for the rest of your application load. Range of Values: >= MessagesThresholdHigh.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   messages_maximum => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:messages_maximum']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


This parameter has been deprecated. Paging is always enabled. The “MessageBufferSize” parameter controls how much memory is used before paging kicks in.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   messages_paging_enabled => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:messages_paging_enabled']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The upper threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server. If the number of messages exceeds this threshold, the triggered events are: <ul> <li> Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating a high threshold condition. </li> <li> Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes armed and instructs producers to begin decreasing their message flow. </li> </ul> Range of Values: <= MessagesMaximum; >= MessagesThresholdLow.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   messages_threshold_high => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:messages_threshold_high']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The lower threshold (number of messages stored in this JMS server) that triggers flow control and logging events. A value of -1 disables the events for this JMS server. If the number of messages falls below this threshold, the triggered events are: <ul> <li> Log Messages - A message is logged on the server indicating that the threshold condition has cleared. </li> <li> Flow Control - If flow control is enabled, the JMS server becomes disarmed and instructs producers to begin increasing their message flow. </li> </ul> Note: This attribute is dynamically configurable. Range of Values: <= MessagesThresholdHigh

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   messages_threshold_low => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:messages_threshold_low']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The name.

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Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration. WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain’s configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved. <dl> <dt>Note:</dt> <dd> If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds. </dd> </dl>

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   notes => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:notes']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The smallest addressable block, in bytes, of a file. When a native wlfileio driver is available and the paging block size has not been configured by the user, the store selects the minimum OS specific value for unbuffered (direct) I/O, if it is within the range [512, 8192]. A paging store’s block size does not change once the paging store creates its files. Changes to block size only take effect for new paging stores or after the current files have been deleted. See “Tuning the Persistent Store” in Performance and Tuning for Oracle WebLogic Server.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_block_size => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_block_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies where message bodies are written when the size of the message bodies in the JMS server exceeds the message buffer size. If unspecified, messages are written to the default tmp directory inside the server-name subdirectory of a domain’s root directory. For example, domain-name/servers/server-name/tmp, where domain-name is the root directory of your domain. For best performance, this directory should not be the same as the directory used by the JMS server’s persistent store.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_directory => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_directory']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Determines whether OS file locking is used. When file locking protection is enabled, a store boot fails if another store instance already has opened the store files. Do not disable this setting unless you have procedures in place to prevent multiple store instances from opening the same file. File locking is not required but helps prevent corruption in the event that two same-named file store instances attempt to operate in the same directories. This setting applies to both primary and cache files.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_file_locking_enabled => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_file_locking_enabled']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The I/O buffer size, in bytes, automatically rounded down to the nearest power of 2. <ul> <li>When a native wlfileio driver is available, the setting applies to off-heap (native) memory.</li> <li>When a native wlfileio driver is not available, the setting applies to JAVA heap memory.</li> <li>For the best runtime performance, Oracle recommends setting PagingIOBufferSize so that it is larger than the largest write (multiple concurrent store requests may be combined into a single write).</li> <li>See the JMS server runtime MBean attribute PagingAllocatedIOBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated off-heap (native) memory amount.</li> </ul>

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_io_buffer_size => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_io_buffer_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The paging maximum file size, in bytes. <ul> <li>The PagingMaxFileSize value affects the number of files needed to accommodate a paging store of a particular size (number of files = paging store size/MaxFileSize rounded up).</li> <li>A paging store automatically reuses space freed by deleted records and automatically expands individual files up to PagingMaxFileSize if there is not enough space for a new record. If there is no space left in exiting files for a new record, a paging store creates an additional file.</li> <li> A small number of larger files is normally preferred over a large number of smaller files as each file allocates Window Buffer and file handles. </li> <li> If PagingMaxFileSize is larger than 2^24 * PagingBlockSize, then MaxFileSize is ignored, and the value becomes 2^24 * PagingBlockSize. The default PagingBlockSize is 512, and 2^24 * 512 is 8 GB. </li> </ul> Oracle recommends not setting the Paging Max File Size above the default value of 1,342,177,280.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_max_file_size => '1342177280'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_max_file_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The maximum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM’s address space per paging store file. Applies only when a native wlfileio library is loaded. A window buffer does not consume Java heap memory, but does consume off-heap (native) memory. If the paging store is unable to allocate the requested buffer size, it allocates smaller and smaller buffers until it reaches PagingMinWindowBufferSize, and then fails if it cannot honor PagingMinWindowBufferSize. Oracle recommends setting the max window buffer size to more than double the size of the largest write (multiple concurrently updated records may be combined into a single write), and greater than or equal to the file size, unless there are other constraints. 32-bit JVMs may impose a total limit of between 2 and 4GB for combined Java heap plus off-heap (native) memory usage. <ul> <li>See the JMS server runtime MBean attribute PagingAllocatedWindowBufferBytes to find out the actual allocated Window Buffer Size.<li>

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_max_window_buffer_size => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_max_window_buffer_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Enables the JMS paging store to perform message body compression on persistent and non-persistent messages. When false, the default value, no compression is performed. This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_message_compression_enabled => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_message_compression_enabled']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The minimum amount of data, in bytes and rounded down to the nearest power of 2, mapped into the JVM’s address space per paging store file. Applies only when a native wlfileio library is loaded. See Paging Maximum Window Buffer Size.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   paging_min_window_buffer_size => '-1'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:paging_min_window_buffer_size']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The file or database in which this JMS server stores persistent messages. If unspecified, the JMS server uses the default persistent store that is configured on each targeted WebLogic Server instance. If the JMS server has a store configured, then the configured store is used to store persistent messages. The disk-based file store or JDBC-accessible database store that you specify must be targeted to the same server, cluster, or migratable target instance as this JMS server. Multiple services on the same WebLogic Server instance, including multiple JMS servers, may share the same persistent store. Each service’s persistent data will be kept apart. If you specify a PersistentStore, the deprecated Store field must not be set. If neither the PersistentStore field nor the Store field are set, the JMS server supports persistent messaging using the default persistent store for the targeted WebLogic Server instance.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   persistent_store => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:persistent_store']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The persistentstore name.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The persistentstore type

Valid values are FileStore, JDBCStore.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies whether production is paused at server startup on destinations targeted to this JMS server. A destination cannot receive any new messages while it is paused. When the value is set to true, then immediately after the host server instance is rebooted, then this JMS server and its targeted destinations are modified such that they are in a “production paused” state, which results in preventing new message production activities on those destinations. To resume normal new message production activity, later you will have to change the state of this JMS server to a “production enabled” state by setting this value to false, and then either redeploy the JMS server or reboot the hosting server instance. When the value is set to default, then the Production Paused At Startup is determined based on the corresponding setting on the individual destination.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   production_paused_at_startup => 'default'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:production_paused_at_startup']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The specific backend to use for this wls_jmsserver resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.Available providers are:

JMS server in an WebLogic domain via regular WLST

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Specifies whether message persistence is supported for this JMS server. only for wls 10.3

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Enables the JMS store to perform message body compression. When set to false, the default value, no compression is performed. This attribute should be enabled only when configuring a WebLogic domain in an Oracle Exalogic environment.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   store_message_compression_enabled => 1,

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:store_message_compression_enabled']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Valid values are absent, 1, 0.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   tags => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:tags']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


An array of target names.

The array of targets for this resource. A target can be a WebLogic Server, a WebLogic cluster, or a JMS Server. When specifying a target, you’ll also have to specify targettype. Here is an example on how you can specify a target.

..{ 'aResource':
  target     => ['myServer','myCluster'],
  targettype => ['Server','Cluster'],

here is an example on specifying the target and targettype for a regular WebLogic cluster:

wls_cluster{ 'aCluster':
  target     => ['myServer','myCluster'],
  targettype => ['Server','Cluster'],

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


An array of target types.

The array of target types for this resource. A target can be a WebLogic Server, a WebLogic cluster, or a JMS Server. When specifying a targettype, you’ll also have to specify a target. Here is an example on how you can specify a target.

...{ 'aResource':
  target     => ['myServer','myCluster'],
  targettype => ['Server','Cluster'],

here is an example on specifying the target and targettype for a regular WebLogic cluster:

wls_cluster{ 'aCluster':
  target     => ['myServer','myCluster'],
  targettype => ['Server','Cluster'],

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The name of a configured JMS template that this JMS server uses to create temporary destinations. Entering a template name, requires you to specify the JMS module that contains this template. However, a template name cannot be specified if the Hosting Temporary Destinations field is disabled. Note: If the specified JMS template provides persistent store values, they are ignored because temporary destinations do not support persistent messaging.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   temporary_template_name => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:temporary_template_name']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


The name of a JMS module that contains a template that this JMS server can use to create temporary destinations. Entering a JMS module name requires you to specify a temporary template name. However, a module name cannot be specified if the Hosting Temporary Destinations field is disabled.

An example on how to use this:

wls_jmsserver {a_wls_jmsserver :
   temporary_template_resource => 'a_value'

This is an extended property. Before you can use it add it to the wls_settings property extra_properties.

  extra_properties => ['wls_jmsserver:temporary_template_resource']

This help text generated from MBean text of the WebLogic server.

Back to overview of wls_jmsserver


Timeout for applying a resource.

To be sure no Puppet operation, hangs a Puppet daemon, all operations have a timeout. When this timeout expires, Puppet will abort the current operation and signal an error in the Puppet run.

With this parameter, you can specify the length of the timeout. The value is specified in seconds. In this example, the timeout is set to 600 seconds.

  timeout => 600,

The default value for timeout is 120 seconds.

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